Is a Telehealth Consultation Typically Cheaper Than an In-Person Visit?

May 1, 2023

Telehealth refers to the remote provision of healthcare. Although video and phone consultations have been available for many years, they became popular during the COVID pandemic. Today, they are still used as a cheaper and more efficient alternative to in-person meetings. At Balanced Bodies Anti-Aging Clinic in Lawrenceville, GA, we can offer you an initial telehealth consultation, during which we find out more about you and can recommend treatments.

Is a Telehealth Consultation Typically Cheaper Than an In-Person Visit?

Telehealth appointments are almost always cheaper than in-person visits because they don’t require many resources. Patients don’t use the waiting room and facilities, and doctors can work more efficiently because there are fewer delays. Although not every appointment can be held virtually, many initial consultations and follow-up sessions can.

This reduces the overall cost of healthcare and makes it easier for people to access the services they need, no matter where they are. It’s also worth remembering that Medicaid and many private insurers cover telehealth appointments, so you might not have to pay. If you’d like to know whether this service is included in your policy, reach out to us at Balanced Bodies. We work with a wide range of insurance companies, so we’ll be able to help you out.

Other Savings and Advantages 

Aside from the fact that your appointment is cheaper, telehealth sessions provide patients with several other advantages. The first is that they don’t have to spend time and money traveling to the clinic. They don’t have to wait at the clinic. Instead, they can stay at home and simply pick up the phone or enter the virtual meeting space at the appointed time.

Telehealth makes good healthcare available to almost everyone: even those who live in remote locations or travel around a lot. Overall, clinics that offer telehealth appointments are more efficient than others because they are spending fewer resources and reaching more people. Patients can access specialists that live in different areas of the country without traveling far every time.

When Is a Telehealth Appointment a Good Idea?

Although telehealth isn’t always appropriate, it’s a great way of reducing the pressure on healthcare systems and improving services for patients. Typically we offer telehealth appointments to people who would like to know more about our services, those who have chronic conditions and need ongoing assistance, and those who live in remote locations or travel frequently.

You Want to Find Out More About Our Services 

We offer a wide range of services at the clinic. We regularly work with people who are experiencing hormonal fluctuations due to the natural aging process and menopause. Additionally, we offer a range of weight loss programs, esthetic treatments, and nutrient therapies. Our patients can get help with common issues like hair loss, sexual wellness problems, and chronic fatigue.

If you’re worried about the aging process, or you’ve started noticing changes in the way your body works, book your first telehealth appointment. During the consultation, we’ll ask about your symptoms and tell you more about our treatments. If you’re a good candidate for one of our methods, we then book an in-person session. The telehealth meeting serves as a screening appointment during which we figure out how to best help you.

You’re Not Sure Whether You Need to Come to the Clinic

Sometimes, patients aren’t sure if they are suffering from a medical condition, or they don’t yet know whether they would like to participate in treatment. They want to get some answers and find out more about our clinic without having to spend a lot of money. 
The telehealth consultation is the ideal service for them because it doesn’t involve a long drive to the clinic and time spent in the waiting room. After the consultation, patients can decide whether they would like to take part in treatment. 

You Need Ongoing Care

Some of our patients come to the clinic once or twice because they have an acute nutritional deficiency or medical problem. However, this is rare. Most people require hormone replacement, weight loss, or IV treatment for several months or even years at a time. Coming to see us every few weeks isn’t practical for most patients, which is why we often suggest virtual follow-up consultations.

During the maintenance appointment, you discuss your progress with your doctor and let them know if you’ve had any issues or side effects. This allows the medical professional to decide whether the treatment is working well or whether an adjustment needs to be made. We can prescribe new treatments and medication during a telehealth appointment, so this is an efficient way of administering ongoing care.

You’re Out of Town or in a Remote Location

Do you travel frequently, or is it hard for you to visit the clinic because you live in a remote area? Do you feel that your medical care hasn’t been consistent enough because you haven’t been in town regularly? If so, telehealth appointments could be the perfect solution because they allow you to get the care you need, no matter where you are.

You can take part in the sessions at home, at work, and even on the go, as long as you can find a quiet and private place to talk. Each telehealth appointment only takes a few minutes, so you can fit it into your schedule, even if you’re very busy.

What Services Can Be Offered Virtually? 

Many medical services can be offered virtually. They include initial consultations, diagnostic appointments, screening appointments, and follow-up consultations. At the clinic, we almost always offer a combination of online and in-person consultations to patients who are participating in our anti-aging or weight loss programs.

Initial Consultations and Diagnostic Appointments 

We encourage people to book a telehealth appointment if they’re interested in our services. The initial meeting helps us to get to know new patients and determine which of our services could be right for them.

To prepare for your appointment, gather all your medical documents as well as information about your conditions, allergies, and previous treatments. We’ll ask you about your health history and then discuss the reason you reached out to us. We’ll also give you more information about the treatments that could be suitable for you, so you can decide whether you want to book an in-person meeting.

Screening Appointments 

If you’re not feeling well, or you have a medical concern, book a telehealth consultation. The wait times are much shorter, so you’re likely to see a doctor more quickly. During the session, the medical professional can figure out if you have a serious issue that needs to be addressed in person. If so, they’ll book an appointment at the clinic for you.

Follow-Up Consultations 

Once you’ve started receiving treatment, you need ongoing contact with your doctors, so we can monitor your progress and resolve any issues. Many of your meetings can be held online. Telehealth appointments give you the chance to ask us questions and voice your concerns. We can then give you the relevant information and make changes to your treatment protocol if necessary.

Regular follow-up consultations are particularly important for patients who are participating in a weight loss program. Weight loss is challenging, and it takes a lot of dedication. The telehealth sessions keep patients accountable, so they’re less likely to revert to old patterns and habits.

What Services Can’t Be Offered Virtually? 

Once we’ve found out more about you and determined which treatment is best for you, it’s time to book an in-person meeting. We can’t draw blood or perform medical tests online, so you have to come to the clinic. You also have to book an in-person session if you’re getting IV treatment, facial services, or hair treatment. These therapies can only be administered at the clinic.

How Shall I Prepare for a Telehealth Appointment? 

Read through the information we’ve sent you before attending your initial consultation. Provide us with the documentation we’ve requested, and make sure you have access to your health records. Turn on your electronic device at least five to ten minutes before the scheduled appointment, so you’ll be ready as soon as the doctor or nurse arrives. Make sure you have a stable and secure internet connection.

Book Your Telehealth Appointment Now

Telehealth is an innovative solution that allows clinics to offer their services at a discounted rate. If you’d like to find out more about our weight loss programs, nutrient and peptide therapy, sexual health treatments, or esthetic treatments, book a telehealth consultation now. Call us at Balanced Bodies Anti-Aging Clinic in Lawrenceville, GA to schedule your first appointment with our medical experts.